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Studying for 2 weeks, have 2 more to go.

by Marc
(California )

I work retail and the pharmacy needs help and I was offered a job by the pharmacy manager but I start school in two weeks so have to pass by then. I have been studying for 2 weeks straight every day and have 2 more weeks to go is that enough time with your online quizzes and exams to have enough information to pass? I haven't bought your exams yet I have just been doing the free practice ones and getting 25% or more

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by: Jerry

Quick question: is the 25% you wrote a typo?

I'm going to assume you meant 75%. So, I'd recommend taking the Master Exam. You get several attempts, so take it a few times and carefully review the ones you miss.

That's about the only thing I can advise, since everyone's situation is different.

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