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Are Wal Mart pharmacy techs getting a raise

by Jerry
(My Desk)

Wal-Mart employs tons of Pharmacy Techs in the U.S. and recently announced pay increases for all entry level associates in April '15 to at least $9.00/hr. And then $10.00/hr by Feb '16. In some states, this is roughly a 25% increase for entry-level Walmart workers earning only the state or federal minimum wage.

In a recent WSJ article, a Wal-Mart spokesperson said that these increases will also benefit established associates. And, that after these raises, the average (non supervisory) Wal-Mart employee hourly wages will average between $13-14/hour, and $15+ for supervisory type hourly positions.

Later in the article, it (of course) talks about the lament this decision is bringing to WalMart stockholders. But, the way I see it is that the hefty gains these shareholders have been enjoying were at the expense of underpaid Wal Mart employees. WIth that said - Kudos to Wal Mart

Will there be a positive ripple effect?

Do you think this will help convince other national retail companies (i.e. - CVS, Walgreen's, Rite-aid, etc.) to also roll out a more fair hourly compensation plan? Personally, I think they'll have to. Employees feeling justly paid converts to a better overall customer experience. That seems like a better long term investment than shareholders catching a few cent higher dividends.

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About time...
by: Anonymous

As a current CVS tech just getting my license, I know that it is just about impossible for them to keep techs once they are trained because the pay is so low, most don't get full time, and benefts are nonexistent unless you get more than 30 hours, which they avoid like the plague so they won't have to pay those benefits. You can't make a living off of under 30 hours a week at these wages. Even $15 an hour isn't realistic. As soon as I can I will be moving on, but I need more training so I'm biding my time to get more insurance experience. CVS needs to learn that turnover eats into profits, as does bad service due to not having the ability to keep enough people on staff. Wake up CVS!! I can make more money as a nanny playing with little children all day.

What about us!!!
by: cpht wilson

I'm a certified pharmacy technician with 7 yrs experience and I train all the new tech and when something needs to be done they call me but their is no growth for us after your certified then what???? Out on the floor they have opportunity for growth and they never think of us we deal with people's lives and have to be 100% correct in everything we do we want pay jumps and growth opportunity as well people let us grow also don't forget us we are on the Walmart team too create a lead tech position like department manager's so we can get a pay jump... It's not fair to us think about it!!! We're trying to live too!

I received a raise
by: Anonymous

I'm from the Sam's Club side. I've been a technician since 2004. I hit my income ceiling a couple of yrs ago, then out of the blue I received a 65 cent raise. Sounds horrible, but for yrs during annual evaluations I'd only receive 30 or 40 cent...and this was for a very good score. I spoke with a Wal-Mart tech and she received a $1 raise. I spoke with other Sam's Club techs & they received nothing. I'm certified but the other Sam's Club tech are not. Could that be a factor?

by: Anonymous

I've been a tech at Walmart for 11 years now and I did not receive a raise but all the new hires did. This is how they show their appreciation of my experience and knowledge. Thanks Walmart!

Wal-Mart pharmacy technician
by: Anonymous

I recently left Wal-Mart due to pay and benefit increases. You can not live off a walmart income unless you have been there for 20 years and reached your pay cap. The new tech's, formerly cashier's, have no pharmacy training and no clue about the job. I was hired at $10 hour with four years experience 5 1/2 years ago. The cashier's are now being hired at $10 hr and $1 raise once they pass ptcb. I left after 5 1/2 years after this pay increase. My yearly raise was .19 cents verses .50 i usually get, because current employees only get .2% pay Increase for the pay increase for new hires of $10 hr and that was my pay increase and yearly raise. 19 cents.i only went up to $13.19 due to this and the new hires we're making $11.50 after their test and raises. Pretty shitty deal. I am currently deciding between four jobs i have been offered, and none of tge pay is under $16 and much better hours. Stay away from walmart and retail pharmacy chains they overwork and under pay their employees

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