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Measurement Conversions

Pharmacy Techs must know the core measurement conversions in order to decode prescription orders, accurately translate instructions, and correctly mix solutions. The list of conversions on this page are the basics, and should suffice for the purpose of studying for the PTCB exam. Please understand that some of the measurements are rounded up, in order to simplify memorization.


1 OZ

1 Lb

1 Kg

1 Gram

1 Grain






30 Gram

454 Grams

2.2 Lb

15 Grain

65 mg


3 Tsp

2 Tbsp

16 Oz

2 Pint

4 Qt

16 Oz







1 Tbsp

1 Oz

1 Pint

1 Qt

1 Gallon

1 Lb















1 Tsp

1 Tbsp

1 Ounce

1 Pint

1 Gallon




1 Gram

1 mg








1000 Gram

1000 mg

1000 mcg


Measurement Conversions Information

Q. Which conversions should I memorize for the PTCB?

A. Knowing the ones this page should suffice!

  • But wait, it's even easier than that. If you study this for a few minutes every day, you'll start to see redundancy between some of them. In addition to that, some of them are foundational for others. In reality, there's about 9 of them that you'll need to know to convert on the fly during test questions. And, much like abbreviations and the Top 200 Drugs, you'll be using these conversions when you start working on the job.

Q. When will I use these conversions?

A. Mostly in compounding math and dosage calculation questions.

  • Because the United States has never followed through on switching to the Metric System, that accounts for quite a bit of it. However, even learning the multiples within the metric system is necessary. And, because the U.S. is such a large consumer of prepackaged goods, even other countries must be aware of the conversions.

**This list of conversions is not a complete list, but designed to cover the most necessary based on a pharmacy technicians daily duties. As things go with this site, this list is more a quick reference of the the most common conversions likely to be found when studying for the PTCB or ExCPT exams within an official program. Please check with your instructor for a more complete list.

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