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free PTCB Practice Exam

Like taking the real test in advance

  • 90 Questions / attempt
  • Original Content
  • 110 minutes / Timed
  • Unlimited Attempts
  • 500 full length questions
  • 100% FREE

Pharmacy Technician Practice Tests
 - Master PTCB Practice Exam -

The Master PTCB Practice Exam includes 90 questions, which are randomly selected from a 500 question bank. You'll have UNLIMITED ATTEMPTS. Each time, the majority of the questions will be different. The test is presented in the same format as the national certification test.

Similar to the real test:

  • Timed
  • Scored
  • Score Report w/answers
  • Same format as PTCB
  • Randomized Sequence
PTCB Practice Exam

Q. How is this test better than the other online practice exams.

A. The PTCB Master Practice Exam was carefully designed to mimic the official certification exam. There are 90 questions and 110 minutes to answer them. So, why is it a better resource to prepare with? The questions themselves are what's important. Most of the other test prep sites have weak questions and too little of math. They even give you a sample quiz before you buy that proves their questions are lame. They are basically selling you automated flash cards. Not to say that won't help you, it probably will. But, when you sit down for the test, you might not be as prepared as you could be.

Q. What about a 100% pass guarantee?

A. Many practice test sites (like MedPreps) even offer a pass guarantee gimmick. But, all that means is that if you fail the PTCB, they might extend your subscription if you qualify. This is merely false advertising and misleading. Instead of using predatory tactics, the exams on this site are just good. Period. No gimmicks.

Pre Final #1

Pre Final #2

Final Exam

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**These pharmacy tech practice tests are not actual/exact questions you will be asked on the national certification exam. They are all originally written, and based on the subject matter in which the official test is based on. Additionally, they are copyright protected. Please ask permission before posting or using them elsewhere.