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how hard is the PTCB test?

by jay

how hard is the pharmacy tech certification test? What are the requirements to qualify to take it?

Comments for how hard is the PTCB test?

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by: Anonymous

This test was not very hard....just breathe a little
before answering the questions. The only problem I
came across was that everything I'd studied
was not even on my test. (test has random questions)
But, I still passed on the first try.

Needs encouragement
by: Anonymous

What type catogories does the test cover? I have been out of school for a couple of years, and have not taken the PTCB test. I have not taken the test because of Bad phobia against test taking. Please someone give me some encouragement.

Was easier than I expected
by: Donna

I have been a tech for 15 years, and put off taking the test until I was told I had 2 weeks to take it, or lose my job. I spent 2 days studying and realized everything I studied was not needed. My knowledge from experience was all I needed. Read the questions carefully and look at the answer choices, some were totally ridiculous. I finished the test in an hour and took the time to go over my flagged answers. I expected it to be a lot harder than it was. Good luck

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