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how would milligrams be converted to cc's ?

by Ron Martin
(Lacombe, La.)

I would like to give my cat liquid Benydryl for itching and the ratio is 2 mg for every pound of body weight...the cat is 16 pounds so the dosage would be 32 mg's. I have ml/cc syringes and I cannot find a conversion. Can you please help ?

Thank you.....Ron Martin.....Lacombe, La.

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Conversion Math
by: Jerry

First off, the calculations and info here are not intended for the use in practical medical treatment whatsoever, Humans or Animals.
But, for this type of calculation: This is a matter of conversion and cross multiplication.

Step #1 - What you have

Children's Benadryl contains 12.5mg / 5mL(cc)

Step #2 - What you need

You need 32mg

Step #3 - Setup an equation

12.5mg - - 32mg
------- = ------
5mL - - - - X

Step #4 - Calculate to find X

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