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Insulin dosage math

by ana

Humulin N 100 units/ml
The patient has a prescription that reads:
10units QAM and 15 units QPM.
How many days will one vial last?

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by: Kindred Hospital Pharmacy Technician

Humulin N 100 units/ml
The patient has a prescription that reads:
10units QAM and 15 units QPM.
How many days will one vial last?

Lets say it's a standard 10ml vial.
That equals 1000units.
10 QAM + 15 QPM = 25units per day

1000 / 25 = 40 days

Although this is the correct answer, technically a vial of insulin only lasts 28 days whether it is kept in or out of the fridge. That is the standard we use for open vials of insulin at my Hospital.

Help please
by: Anonymous

I got four days assuming N is just 1ml. I can see how if the vial was 10ml it can be 40 days. Does this question have a right answer because N is not given in the question.

Humulin N vial
by: MJ

Humulin N in 1 Vial = 10 ml

100 units
__________ times 10 ml equals 1000 units
1 ml

: 10 units qam plus 15 units qpm equals 25 units

: 1000 units
_____________ equals 40 or equals to last 40 days .
25 units

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