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Passing the PTCE Exam

by Peter

I'm nervous to take the PTCE next Saturday, and have been studying just a couple of weeks. I've memorized the top 100 drugs and am pretty good at math/calculations. I haven't worked in a Pharmacy before, so most of this is new to me. If I study everything on this site will I pass it? Like are drug to drug interactions and laws included on here? Thank you.

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This site is not a stand-alone program.
by: Anonymous


To answer your question, you won't have a highly probable chance of passing the exam if all you study is the content of this website. However, if you take the final and Master Exams, and then go and research and study the questions you miss - you'll probably be in a good position. For someone who's never worked in a pharmacy, two weeks seems like an insufficient time to study enough to pass. Anyhow, best of luck to you !

Just took the exam 11/2017; passed
by: Tina

Generic/Brand name and calculations alone will not be enough to pass the exam. I highly recommend Mosby's review book (yellow book). If you are unsure whether or not you are ready, download the PTCB Pocket Prep app and buy the full version for $9.99. This app actually outlines Mosby's review book. There will be 700 multiple choice questions that will test you in every subject, you can also manipulate which area you'd like to focus on. If you can answer the majority easily, then you should be good to go! Good luck!

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