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Pharmacy math formula chart

Is a formula chart given for you to use during the PTCB exam?

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Math Formulas
by: Anonymous

When you go in to take the test, The only thing you can bring in is absolutely nothing. They will give you a locker for your purse or wallet and cell phone. If you don't want to use the locker, you can leave it in your car.

When you go in, they will give you a simple calculator, dry erase pen and laminated paper to do math on.

You could sneak in a small piece of paper with math formulas on it. But, since a test proctor is watching you for most of the time, they will surely see it and you'll be instantly failed. If they miss it, the person who reviews the video footage will probably catch it. So, not a good idea.

Math chart
by: Anonymous

No you take nothing in at all. They give you pen paper and calculator. So memorized the chart. I wouldonly worry about the concept of allegations, iv drip rates mostly hospital math. I only had about 4-5 hard math questions. But if you can remember a little how to do it u can use process of elimination and figure out which answer matches with what u come up with or sound most logical

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