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Pharmacy technician license without taking PTCB?

by Jasmine

I understand that both NHA and PTCB qualify as an accredited certification. I took the PTCB test three times and did not pass. So I decided to take the other certification NHA, however I plan to becoming a travel pharmacy technician, and know some states will not accept just a certification. So my question is there another way I can become licensed by taking a course or another way?

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by: Anonymous

No, most states require you to take the PTCB or the ExCPT but majority require PTCB. You can actually take the PTCE one more time but you'll have to write to them to justify yourself why they should let you take it one last time. Mind you, if you fail on your fourth time, you're done. So make sure you study hard and use common sense if you had prior pharmacy experience.

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