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Prescriptions with only 28 days supply?

by Jess

I am in the process of doing pharmacy technician training. My instructor wants us to list prescriptions that only have a 28 day supply. I know birth control is one, but I cant seem to find any others out there. She recommends asking a professional. Any technicians or pharmacists out there that can help?

Comments for Prescriptions with only 28 days supply?

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by: Anonymous

Clonidine patches last 28 days. Most transdermal patches and estrogen medications ( most estrogens are in birth control packages but there are a few that aren't meant just as contraceptives) that last 28 days

28 days supply
by: Gines

Nicotine patch
Vitamin D

28 day rx
by: Anonymous


by: Kristi

Lots of CII (controlled substance class 2) medications only have a 28 day supply.

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