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PTCB practice question

by John

Salicylic acid 2%
Hydrocortisone 1.5%
LCD 0.4%
Cetaphil q.s. ad 120gm

How much of each ingredient do you use to make this compound?

Comments for PTCB practice question

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by: MRZ

Salicylic acid 2%
Hydrocortisone 1.5%
LCD 0.4%
Cetaphil q.s. ad 120gm

How much of each ingredient do you use to make this compound?

Salicylic Acid : 18.0mg
Hydrocrtisone : 24.0mg
LCD : 0.48mg

little unsure
by: Anonymous

Please breakdown how you arrived at the answer. I have some idea, but need more clarification. Thanks

The answer
by: Tina

Salicylic acid: 2.4g
Hydrocortisone: 1.44g
LCD: 0.48g

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