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Studying for PTCB with limited time

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I have exactly one week to prepare for the exam starting today with absolutely no prior experience. I'm a pre-pharmacy student, so I'm used to cramming and I'm well versed in biology and chemistry but have never studied anything pertaining specifically to the job of a pharmacy technician. Do you think the guides on this website provide enough information for me to study and pass the test or would it be best to look for other sources as well? I just don't want to spend all of my limited time looking for and comparing sources if they're all going to give me much of the same material...

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by: Jerry

The most accurate answer is: Maybe, but probably not. If you go through all of the practice exams and take notes on what you don't know, you'd still need to hunt down references for many of the subjects. However, that's probably a good way to pinpoint where your weaknesses are.

There have been people who say they only this site and successfully passed. Yet, every one of those people were already pharm techs who were asked by their employer to get certified. The website is not a stand-alone program, but more of a reference and practice resource for people in an accredited program.

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