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Tablet amount

by Jay
(New Zealand)

Patient needs to take 1/2 tablet TID for one month. How many tablet does the technician distribute?

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Answer is 45 tabs
by: Shoma

Patient needs to take 1/2 tablet TID for one month. How many tablet does the technician distribute?

1/2 × 3 (because tid) = 1.5 tabs daily

1.5 tabs daily × 30 days = 45 tablets for one month.

is this days supply
by: Anonymous

Is this the same as days supply?

right answer
by: Anonymous

45 tablets

by: Catherine

Put 3 drops in left ear four times a day for five days.

Quick Math
by: Anonymous

1/2 tablet × three = 1.5
then 1.5 × 30 = 45

days supply
by: Anonymous

the days supply for this question would be 1.5 tablets because in one day he will take 3 (1/2) tablets which is the same as 1.5 tablets. In 30 days he will have taken a total of 45 tablets which is the amount the tech would distribute to the patient.

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