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What strength of ophthalmic solution should be dispensed?

For conjunctivitis, a patient was prescribed the following eye drops:

CILOXAN® 3 mg/mL
Sig: ii gtts OU q4h

What strength of ophthalmic solution should be dispensed?

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Ophthalmic solution strength
by: Anonymous

there is 3mg in 1ml-then in 100ml is 300mg.
this means that it is 0.3% solution since 300mg=0.3g
and we are calculating the percentage on the base how many grams are in 100ml.

Ciloxan Percent Strength Problem
by: Brad Wojcik, Pharm D

This is a weight/volume problem. Weight is always g and volume is always mL. The units of the answer will be % w/v or % g/mL. You are starting off with 3mg/mL and have to end up with the units of % g/mL. You have to change mg to g and add the percent sign. Anytime you need to add the percent sign, just multiply by 100%.
3mg/ml (1g/1000mg) (100%) = 0.3% g/mL or 0.3% w/v
What you are actually doing is multiplying 3mg/mL by two different forms of 1 (1g/1000mg) and 100% to change the units of the given into the units of the answer.

by: Anonymous

Thank you both for the explanation

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